Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dreams, jobs and secrets

These things aren't really related, but hey they're whats on my mind and isn't that the whole point of this blog thing? Anyway, might as well start with the first...dreams.
These little things are crazy! They are also quite awesome. I just love going to bed at night having no idea what kind of adventure is in store for me the next 10 or so hours. Not to mention the excitement of waking up and remembering the absurd dreams that occurred over the course of the past night. I love waking up after a good dream having those great happy feelings, though it sucks when you relize it was all just a dream. I would say the best dreams to wake up from are the bad ones,especially the ones about some upcoming event where everything went horribly wrong and you wake up realizing it didn't happen at all. It really is like having a second chance! But the fun ones are the crazies, you know the type, those d reams where you wake up and are like "what the heck was that?" and then you laugh about how absurd your night time brain is. I wonder if science will ever come up with a really good reason for why we have such psycho dreams? Though I think if they do it will take some of the fun out of it.
Well enough about dreams I've got to keep this moving or I'm going to end up with another novel! Anyway on to jobs. I have been spending the past few months trying to start my own etsy buisness and let me just tell you it is quite complicated. The government has this way of making things so confusing. All I want to do is open a tiny little buisness where I sell some of the things I make so I can go on crafting and not have my house explode. Yet this seemingly little task is not so little at all, it seems the government doesn't care if you are big or small they still have 110 hoops for you to jump through, not to mention all the fees.
And now on to secrets! I'm not really sure why I put the exclamation point there,it's not like this is real exciting, nope sorry I'm not about to give up all my secrets, at least not yet. I do have secrets though and that is just what I want to talk about. It's a little crazy that we still have lots of secrets in this age of technology. I mean information can spread to practically the whole earth in a matter of seconds. Not to mention all the sites that exist to help spread secrets, like twitter, Facebook or all these blogs, yet secrets still exist. I have a fair share of them. I'm not really sure if that is good or not. There is a part of me that wants to scream out all my secrets to the world, and then there is the part that continues to keep the secret. Sometimes I wonder if things would be better if I was more open, but then I freak out a little, I am so used to trying to be "normal" that I am not sure I could handle having people know I am not (what is normal anyway?). On the other hand I am dieing for my secrets to be know because they are a huge part of who I am and why I do what I do, and believe what I believe. Then of course there is the matter of telling people, do I just come out and be like "hi I'm anna and, laddie dahdie dah,"? Probably not but really how do you become more open about things. Maybe a blog like this is good, if people read it, I mean right now as far as I know I am writing this to no one, plus if people do read it I have no idea of knowing who knows and who doesn't. I did share some stuff about my social anxiety which is maybe good, if people read it. I know for me it would have helpped if I had learned about it earlier and how else to learn then if other people share. Plus it makes me feel more comfortable around people if they know I am scared out of my mind. It's kinda crazy that that is what I am partially scared about with people (that they can tell I am nervouse) and yet once they know I feel so much better. The worst part about sharing a secret is the moment you realize it is out there and yet you change your mind and want it back to yourself. So to avoid that I don't think I will share my secrets, at least not yet, we will just have to wait and see.

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